Growing Baby Girl
I still can’t believe I made an American kid 🇺🇸But I’m proud and thankful for her. My baby my heart my flower princess my dancing queen.
I met the love of my life 8 years ago while traveling to New York, married him there 4 months later. Struggled for years with my green card process, worked under the table for 2 years. Dealt with immigration issues. Stayed many times for hours in their office, watched them throwing the contents of my luggages over the floor. Could not go back to France when my grandmother died and be at her funeral because if I tried leaving the states… they would not let me back in.
And 8 years later this little girl was born. With her 2 passports 🇺🇸🇫🇷 she will get to choose where she wants to live, where she wants to study, where she wants to work, and be with her family whenever she wants or needs.
I see her and I know it was all worth it 💖
San Diego, 2021
Paris, 2021
Tours, 2021