morgan's first tattoo
Morgan’s first tattoo is right next to my own first tattoo! Both are on my calf.
She is my manager (if you ever got a tattoo from me, you probably chatted with her). She manages a bunch of tattooers actually, for years and years now ( @tattrx ) but she never tattooed anyone before!
So, I gave her a lesson with my machine, and my leg to practice on.
her first tattoo, next to my own first tattoo on my leg.
We picked an organic sketchy flower, because even if that gets a little messed up, it’ll still look natural. But no blow out, nothing, it healed super nice.
It was an amazing bonding of sisters. We always say we’re chosen family. Our lives have such similar paths with the same kind of upbringing and stresses and family dramas — so yeah I’m feeling so happy right now to be a part of this experience for her!! ❤ ❤ ❤