Nothing Wild Baby ✨June 2020


It’s been such a magical adventure full of love, trips & tattoos for 7 years with my favorite man... obviously now starting a new one! A Nothing Wild baby for June 2020! ✨Our hearts (especially my belly) are full !

I did these photos ( 📸 ) when I was in my first trimester of pregnancy, and I have to say those were an incredibly hard 3 months. I was sick and nauseous all the time. My body changed, and all I wanted was to stay in bed and sleep. But somehow I still managed to get up and work, fight against myself everyday to tattoo and try to hide my pregnancy. Honestly I don’t even know myself how I did it. It was hard.

Now that I’m feeling great, I look at these photos and I think how did I make it through all those months? I guess I found out what it means to become a mother, and how powerful women are.

I just want to cheers to all the women who go through all those crazy moments of life, from becoming a mother to trying to become one, for choosing not to be one.

We are not all lucky to be able to give life, some have to struggle to even be pregnant, some have to struggle with people’s judgments for not wanting to be pregnant. It’s a magical thing to have a body that can create life but it also involves a lot of self strength and power.

Women are so fu**** strong. It took me a time to accept that I’m changing, but today I am proud to say that I will never be the same person again, its by understanding the power of my body that I’ve become a woman.

studio newsLaura Martinez